8 days of 20 mins each
2 Saturdays for (2) hrs Live Session
to Feb. 7, 2023
RAINBOW offers a full assessment package that will help you get a glimpse of your values quotient, adversity quotient, communication, leadership perspectives and how your brain is wired. This full assessment helps you see your current personal profile.
Try this Adversity Quotient Assessment
Completing the course will enable you to draw new realizations, rebirth of your life skills values and the drive to do better and deeper with your hopes and aspirations specially as you draw your 2023 vision board.
Tangibly, RAINBOW would help you write and complete your LIFESCRIPTS. The guided steps will be part of the live sessions but the full vision and energy will only be executed by you. So this is a full cooperative goal.
Your journey begins by laying the groundwork for your new high-performing self. Here Dr. Bryce will allow you to take several assessments to give you base information about your Adversity and Leadership Quotient and an inventory of your core values will also be significant. You will also be ushered to few reflective writing exercises to prime you up. Plus, you’ll take a deep dive into your vision board and your word life.
No tenacity, no diamond.
The mind is the seat of tenacity. When it is fortified and trained to take on challenges it gets the mission done for us. Tenacity goes beyond perseverance, when understood, it allows us to achieve wholeness and installs our human ammunition to battle off inconsistencies, lack of motivation, blur thinking and fear-driven decision- making.
There is science that inspires tenacity as a life system. Growth mindset is one of them
Adopting a new thought pattern starts with willpower.
How do you activate that consistently? This part of the program will reveal our energetic blocks as much as expose our mind blocks.
Discover the 6 types of grit and how it will work for you:
✓ The Grit of ControlTie everything together in this wrap-up chapter that will activate the 7 Life Skills Values in your life making it your new default system.
Inspired by Dr. Paul Stotlz, author of the book – From Obstacles to Opportunities, this part of the course will help you measure your adversity quotient and teach ways on how to strengthen your CORE: Control, Ownership, Reach and Endurance.
We all aspire to connect so we can launch our greatness to the world whether it be starting a new business, teaching or simply wanting to matter in the corner we are in. How do we start connecting through our voices? How do you tell your stories enough to inspire and matter?
Core values are deeply ingrained principles that guide every individual’s actions. They serve as its cultural cornerstones. They are inherent and sacrosanct and it must never be compromised either for convenience or short-term economic gain.
This is an invitation to discover, understand and accept oneself even more fully, at work and in life . The sessions are designed to assist you in reconnecting more deeply with your personal values, what is important to you at the present moment, and everything else that is going on in your life, personally and professionally.
Focused topics
Enabling a mindset that willfully cooperate to changes
Developing AGILE as a culture:
Appreciate, Give, Inspire, Lead & Enable
Customer satisfaction is the mantle of all the core values
Understand the whole-brain thinking
Thriving in the VUCA World
The mother of creativity is intuition. When our intuitive thinking is activated, it empowers us to create ideas. Learn powerful tools to hone your “inner gut” by embracing 4 benefits: Decision-making, Clarity, Purpose, Creation.
“ Mastering others is strength. Mastering oneself is power”. – Lao Tsu
Among the many leadership programs known most to us, Lead Thy Self will enlighten us to the most practical steps to sustain our growth as leaders. It offers a preview of the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell and circles up on making your own road map for personal success.